All your players want is to play. That means playing without hickups. We want to live up to our end in the gaming experience. Features are not resource intensive on your SoF2 server.
If it's relevant, it's customizable. Ranging from the amount of ammo your weapons get to the commands your Admins should get - and everything in between. Oh, and did I mention that it's easy?
Give your server a look of its own. With options for changing broadcasts and prefixes you can set out something unique to your clan, team or just you.
We are constantly making sure that you don't have to worry about files floating around where they shouldn't. Everything is managed for you, leaving you to do the fun part.
You are largely responsible for where this project is going. Your input helps to make us realize what you and others in the community want. Let your voice be heard!
We don't want your money. We want you to enjoy this game as long as you can. And with that, we're giving you the necessities to do so. Updates are, and will always be free.
You using, sharing and talking about our Mod makes us happy!